Nov. 6-9, 2016: 2016 Leve Center Grand Opening and Boyle Heights Exhibition
Nov. 15, 2016: Jessica Marglin (USC) – Across Legal Lines: Jews and Muslims in Modern Morocco
Nov. 17, 2016: Joshua Zimmerman (Yeshiva University) – Wounds of History: The Polish Underground and the Jews during WWII
Nov. 29, 2016: Stefan Beyerle (Universitat Greifswald) – ‘Lock and Key’ The History of Ancient Israel between the Hebrew Bible and Archaeology
Dec. 4, 2016: Language, Literature, and Lugar (“Place”): Writing Boyle Heights
Dec. 6. 2016: Mira Balberg (Northwestern) – The Rabbinic Sacrificial Vision and the Roman Imperial Cult
Dec. 7, 2016: Daniel Stein Kokin (UCLA and Universitat Greifswald) – Rome in the Jewish Imagination
Jan. 12, 2017: Timothy Harrison (University of Toronto) – Sea Peoples and Neo-Hittites in the ‘Land of Palistin’: Recent Discoveries at Tayinat on the Orontes
Jan. 19, 2017: Book Launch and Symposium: Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture
Jan. 22, 2017: Championing Civil Rights and Resisting Injustice: Rabbi Joachim Prinz and Kurt Weill
Jan. 24, 2017: Peter Machinist (Harvard) – ‘Hear, O Israel, Yahweh is Our God, Yahweh is One!’ Concepts of Deity in the Hebrew Bible
Jan. 26, 2017: Susan Suleiman (Harvard) – Jewish Identity in Question: The Legacy of Irène Némirovsky
Feb. 7, 2017: Susan Ackerman (Dartmouth) – Drumming Away Demons
Feb. 14, 2017: Lior Sternfeld (Penn State) – The Jews and the Iranian Nation Building Projects of the 20th Century
Feb. 21, 2017: Lauren Monroe (Cornell) – Joseph and the Genesis of Ancient Israel
Feb. 28, 2017: Rachel Havrelock (University of Illinois at Chicago) – The Joshua Generation: How David Ben-Gurion and his Political Successors Read the Biblical Book of Conquest
Mar. 1-2, 2017: ucLADINO Conference – Community and Continuity
Mar. 5, 2017: 100 Years of Garment Work in LA: An International Women’s Day Celebration
Mar. 9, 2017: Robert Alter (Berkeley) Anti-Prophecy in the Poetry of H.N. Bialik
Mar. 14, 2017: Devin Naar (University of Washington) – Jewish Salonica: Between the Ottoman Empire and Modern Greece
Mar. 16, 2017: Fabrizio Lelli (University of Salento, Lecce) – Memory and Continuity of the Southern Italian Jewish Legacy
Apr. 4, 2017: Christine Hayes (Yale) – Divine Law and Community Boundaries in Jewish Antiquity
Apr. 25, 2017: Mark L Smith (UCLA) – The Yiddish Historians of the Holocaust and the Prewar Tradition of Yiddish Historical Scholarship
Apr. 27, 2017: Daniel Stein Kokin (UCLA and Universitat Greifswald), Steven Fine (Yeshiva University), Talya Fishman (UPenn) – Jewish Visual Culture in the Mediterranean Basin
May. 9, 2017: Michal Lemberger (Author) – Imaginative Engagement: Women of the Hebrew Bible in After Abel and Other Stories
May. 16, 2017: Majorie Perloff (Stanford and USC) – The Making of Austro-Modernism
May. 25, 2017: Amos Morris-Reich (University of Haifa) – Racial Photography as Scientific Evidence